5 Tips Every Driver Should Know About Parking Lot Safety

It may seem like an unlikely place to crash, but parking lots can pose serious safety hazards. Even though cars likely aren’t whipping around the lot at 50+ miles per hour and the lanes are clearly marked most of the time, parking lot crashes are common. In fact, they account for 14% of all auto insurance claims. In fact, shocking statistics highlight that drivers are statistically more likely to get into a collision in a parking lot than the freeway, making the importance of parking lot safety for both drivers and pedestrians should very important.

Tip #1: Go Slow & Be Alert

Drive defensively and follow the law. Most drivers in a parking lot focus their energy and attention on looking for the best spot rather than on driving safely. For example, a driver who isn’t vigilant could fail to notice a pedestrian in front of them or even another automobile approaching from the other side.

Tip #2: Don’t Cut Across the Parking Lot

Going the right direction may make all the difference in winding up as the victim of a car crash. That’s because other drivers and pedestrians won’t likely be looking for vehicles cutting across parking lots. So, stay in the lanes and make sure you’re going the right direction.

Tip #3: Don’t Drive Distracted

Once you’re in the parking lot, you may think it’s fine to pull out your smartphone and start texting or making calls. After all, you’re going much slower than when you were out on the open road, right? Think again. A National Safety Council poll found that two-thirds of drivers said they would make phone calls in a parking lot, so if you think you’re the only one distracted, you’re wrong.

Tip #4: Be Patient

It’s understandable you might be in a rush and you’d like to shave off a few minutes of time by finding a good parking spot nearest to the structure you plan to enter. Tempers can run high in parking lots as there are other to interact with and fewer places to park, making it a stressful time. Breathe. Use your turn signals and yield to other drivers backing out of spaces who might not be able to see you.

Tip #5: Don’t Stalk Pedestrians Walking Through the Parking Lot to Their Cars

On the same note of maintaining your patience, you shouldn’t follow those on foot walking to their vehicles in the parking lot. Not only will it block traffic and frustrate other drivers, it could cause an accident if drivers behind you get a case of road rage and confront or honk at you.

Looking for legal representation for a car crash in Plano or Fort Worth? Contact Zendeh Del Law Firm, PLLC for personal injury representation. We have 50+ years of combined experience and are here to help. Simply contact us at 888-4-ZEN-LAW
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