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Deferred Adjudication

What Is Deferred Adjudication?

In the state of Texas, probation is termed “community supervision.” We have two separate forms of this important legal process, one is termed deferred adjudication and the other is community supervision. A deferred adjudication is usually only offered as an option to those who are facing a first-time criminal charge, such as a first-time offense for driving while intoxicated. Deferred adjudication is considered to be preferable to community supervision. If the requirements of the deferred adjudication are completed, your criminal record will remain clean and not show a conviction. This can be an extremely important point because, in this digital age, you can be certain that future employers will access your criminal record electronically. If you have a conviction, there can be consequences with regard to your future opportunities for work, partnerships, and relationships.

A deferred adjudication – when handled carefully – could be sealed from public view, allowing you to move forward with your life without worry about your criminal record. There are dangers with regard to your criminal record that must be addressed by your attorney if you choose to pursue a deferred adjudication.

Benefits Of Deferred Adjudication In Texas

A jury cannot grant a person accused of a crime the option of deferred adjudication. If you choose to go to trial, you will lose this option. It is important to fully understand how a deferred adjudication works so that you can make an informed decision about what to do in your case.

If you have been charged with a crime and you have the option of pursuing a deferred adjudication, there are certain issues of which you must be aware.

The first is that you absolutely must adhere to every detail of the terms. If you fail to comply, you could be immediately put in jail and found guilty. You may be forced to serve a term of incarceration and face fines and/or other penalties. There are many examples of individuals who chose deferred adjudication as an option and were later arrested for another offense, immediately collected by law enforcement and then sentenced to the full term that they had tried to avoid. A judge, on a bad day, can easily revoke probation. It happens every day. Don’t take any chances with your future. Before you make a decision about your plea or what to do after an arrest, we urge you to contact the professional defense team at our firm to review your situation and advise you of your options. If you successfully complete the terms of your deferred adjudication, you will not have a conviction. The charges against you will be dismissed, but you may still face certain problems. Based upon the type of crime, you could be restricted from owning a firearm, or from holding certain professional licenses. One of the complex issues in deferred adjudication is that, at the federal level, you will be considered to have been convicted. For those who are immigrants, this can be a serious problem in maintaining your legal right to live and work in the country. It is extremely important that you fully understand the ramifications of deferred adjudication as an option in your case. It may or may not be an advantage to you. In some cases, it may better serve you to fight the case in court and pursue a full acquittal.

Schedule A Consultation From A Plano Criminal Attorney!

It is imperative that you get information that you can easily understand so that you can make an informed decision about what to do if you are facing a criminal charge. At Zendeh Del Law Firm, we are open, honest and highly experienced criminal defense lawyers. We will give you the information you need in straight language so that you don’t make an error that later comes back to haunt you. Click here if you would like to schedule your initial consultation!