Famous People Who Became U.S. Citizens

Since the formation of the United States of America, people from all over the world have flocked to the U.S. in pursuit of the American Dream. According to the Migration Policy Institute, “Immigration has a significant impact on many aspects of life in the United States, from the workforce and the classroom to communities across the country.”

The MPI continues, “As such, many seek to know more about those who were born abroad and now make their lives here, whether as naturalized citizens, legal permanent residents, refugees and asylees, international students and others on long-term visas.”

Immigrants have done more than enhance American culture, the arts and the world of business, many have become famous through music, science, cinema, politics, athletics, the arts and entertainment.

Some famous people who became U.S. citizens:

The above is a short list of famous immigrants who became U.S. citizens; there are many more – too many to list here. Any way you look at it, some of the greatest artist and minds come to the U.S. to become famous, contribute to the arts and sciences, and make our world a better place to live in. Because the U.S. is known as one of the most powerful countries, it’s a magnet for some of the world’s top talent.

What about you? Are you planning on coming to the United States to achieve your version of the American Dream? Whether that dream involves the arts, sciences, religion, or business, there is something for everyone and the U.S. welcomes your contributions to our economy and culture. To learn more, contact our Plano immigration firm today.

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