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SSD Appeals

Appealing A SSD Denial

Many who have been denied Social Security Disability (SSD) do not take advantage of the appeals process to challenge the decision. If you have been denied SSD, our attorneys should be contacted at once to discuss the reasons for your denial and how to contest the rejection. You have the right to appeal a denied SSD claim at various levels within the Social Security Administration (SSA) and can even take your case to federal court if the SSA refuses to approve your claim. You have 60 days after your DDS claim has been denied to file an appeal with the state’s Disability Determination Services (DDS) office. If the DDS denies your claim a second time, you can request a hearing from the SSA’s Office of Disability Adjudication and Review (ODAR). The hearing is held before an administrative law judge, who will ask you questions regarding your disability, how it has affected your ability to work, and other ways your illness or injury has impacted your life. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your ODAR hearing, you can request a hearing from the SSA’s Appeals Council. When a benefits claim is denied by the Appeals Council, the applicant can pursue the matter in federal court.

Challenge Your Denied SSD Claim With Our Help

There are many ways to challenge a denied SSD claim, including:

  • Appeals council hearing
  • Federal court appeal
  • State Disability Determination Services (DDS) office review
  • Office of Disability Adjudication and Review (ODAR) hearing

The Zendeh Del Law Firm, PLLC, can explain the appeals process and discuss how to proceed with an appeal. Our firm is highly experienced in SSD administrative polices and can be relied on to provide valuable counsel regarding your denial. We can prepare all of the paperwork needed for your appeal and provide skilled representation at any administrative and legal proceedings.

Contact a Plano SSD appeal lawyer from the office to find out about the appeals process.